day. I woke up and realized that my window was filled with white flurries of snow. At first i was like, "damn, hope classes are canceled", what do you know...they were. I figured I go out to see how much snow there actually was. It is actually still snowing, right now its at 20-inches deep (Thank You Global Warming) but the plow man takes care of that stuff 4 the students. I went to dining hall with my home gurl..Cee, to get some grub, food was fairly well... She wanted a shout so i figured i give her one....My roommate unfortunately is just different from what I'm used to being around me...but its a learning process.
One class tomorrow at 6, so I can sleep late. I've messing with the i pod touch...and I must say, shit is amazing, my whole schedule for class is there and important dates for homework, projects, etc... Apple definitely is blowing competition way out the water...Back On mind gets like that, I was highly disappointed in the amount of people that watch Real Chance of Love...come on people like this is ridiculous...theses dudes on a show looking for women....DESPERATE...I personally think they're homosexuals nothing against the gay and lesbian community but its like they try to hard, and people actually watch this nonsense...I think im going to make a show about me having asthma and any girls that are willing to date a dude with asthma called...Puff of Love...Starring Mr Bojangles...taking applications...Ladies