I know, I know, I know, I have to keep you guys updated. I can't just start a blog and just leave ya in suspense as far as what's been happening in my life Right???...True but its hard to manage my thoughts into a square device as such as a laptop, when so much happens.... Anyway let me fill you guys in... I am a president of a Black/Latino club on campus at PSU. It just had one of our biggest events, One Mic, it's basically a talent show with students and a guest speaker that we usually get to do slam poetry. It was very.....interesting, TahNk You all, for my hosts....and

from a female who did a Jamaican rap, a Jenifer Hudson remake, Lauryn Hill poet(my favorite), Lil Kim poet, and lastly the mouse singer. It was good turn out, after that i attended a few college house parties( Intoxicating Fumes , Alcoholic beverages,) Overall my
weekend was nicee......I just want to give me condolences to Rihanna's Face...(moment of silence).....Yea I heard it was true that he did in fact hit her... ALOT! I hope he does find his way and I hope Jesus, Abraham, and Moses can help him in his new way of life through Church.

Last week was smooth as a baby's bottom and my weekend was quite the adventure i had jello shots which taste like medicine...very good though (Thanks 218) I then attended a few house parties with many (W>P) I lost my mp3 player and had my hat removed from my
head but managed to make it back to my room safely... I did however pass the club (TABU) 4-5 times and never went in..dunno why!! I ended my week off pretty good in 218, getting a better understanding of THREETEL...And boy was I ENLIGHTENED...(ROCKIN THAT THANG...Ghanaian Version...ANnyWay I'm back On the Radio, Unfortunately you won;t be able to listen to the best underground radio out there but the pod casts will be coming sooon....(can't keep a good street sweeper down)
I also want to touch basis on the fact that hiP Hop is back. I truly believe it. I enjoy listen to new artist that aren't afraid to push the envelope and be different. Wale, Drake (Black WHite Boy from Degrassi), Asher Roth, Young Chris, and Ryan Leslie very talented artist and you should definitely check them out..YOUTUBE easy as that. Imma try and post some stuff from them. I also can't wait for SPRING Br3aK!!!! So on that note im going to leave you with my homgirl's quote which I actually like...
"I'll tell you this. People don't fall in love with what's right in front of them. People want the dream. What they can't have. The more unattainable, the more attractive."- RACH"
PONDER.....Fade Out...................................................................
