This a Public Service Announcement......
I apologize for not keeping my dedicated followers up to date on the current events in my life....without further a due......
Back to normal programing......
So let me give you a quick run down of this somewhat event summer....I had a lot of fun. I think that i needed this summer, since last summer i was stuck in the house "drinking ensure for breakfast" and not being able to do anything fun. This summer very much different....sort of... I was working like a slave but it was fun because it help me understand people better. Its crazy because people i met on a daily basis made me seem like a genius, and ANYONE that knows me knows that's pretty hard. I was able to travel to VA in which i had a good time but with family comes drama. Mrs. Smith was more than enough help this summer for me and we had fun too. Chillen with da famz was always eventful....(rash was bout to smack movie attendant for waving his light)I seen a lot of famous people...sent alot of people on their way (People don't listen or read). I was paper touching this summer paying bills..u kno simple shit....The was some down points this summer but there's no need to mention because that's in the past right? Well lets hope so... I was able to see some of the Plastburgians, (COPYWRITTEN) while home. NOT ALOT! Well ..because i already see them at school. but there were a few I caught up with. MOMMENT OF SILENCE FOR THE DEATH OF MY WIFE...............................................................................................................................................XBOX 360 SHE WILL BE MISSED....Soon I will be heading back to the frozen tundra within a week or less and I know, its gonna be a long SEMESTER. but I got high hopes, there's a lot learned each semester and the same goes in to going in to a new semester...lost of new stuff..lets see how it goes...don't worry you'll be the first to know (folle's) I just made that up copyright that to Tyre Javon Nobles. Im going to miss being home for many reasons...but I'll be back Sooner than Later. So its no biggie...Im not ready but im ready...just to see how everything goes..since Ive been coming back, each semester has been a im dying to see if there any this time around. So expect me back on my shiz..... Its always sad to say bye Summer but once you do, you gotta Fall bak..
Something for ya Thoughts........Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might have been, and look at what can be.
lo...your brain really thinks like that